BIO RAW supports clean, green electricity with Bullfrog Power®

At BIO RAW, we recognize the importance of addressing our environmental impact. We take every step make sure we are producing great products the most environmentally conscious ways possible. We are teamed up with Bullfrog Power® to reduce the carbon emissions footprint of our business by choosing 100% green electricity and green natural gas for our company with Bullfrog Power.
This means that Bullfrog's generators put 100% green electricity onto the grid to match the amount of conventional electricity our organization purchases. Bullfrog ensures the electricity going onto the grid on our behalf is from clean, renewable sources.
By choosing green energy, we are reducing our organization’s environmental impact, supporting the development of new community-based renewable energy projects in our region and across Canada, and helping lead the way to a renewably powered future.
Across Canada, Bullfrog’s green electricity comes from a blend of wind and low-impact hydro power sourced from new Canadian renewable energy facilities, with at least 50% sourced directly from this region. Bullfrog ensures the electricity going onto the grid on our behalf is from green sources, displacing energy from polluting sources.
As Bullfrog Power uses its customers’ support to provide funding to new green energy projects, our green energy purchase is also helping provide critical financial support to new renewable energy projects in our region and across Canada.
We are proud to be choosing green energy with Bullfrog Power!
To learn more about Bullfrog Power, visit their website at
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